Ethical Risk in Research and Challenge to Academic Integrity

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Gojen Daimari


The purpose of the work is to delve into the hypothetical proposition that ethics in research, academic and in allied professional space are often negotiated. This can be considered 'ethical deficit' in the practice, resulting the impression of uncertainty in the minds of research findings receivers. So, paper would argue that practice of ethics has been in 'complex position'. Section I would be to understand the state of complexities of ethical positions in different forms and aspects. Section II of the writing would be dealing to identify different types and factors behind ethical misconduct in the publication context. Section III would involve identifying possible implications on account of breach of ethical principles. Moreover, writing takes the basis of arguing that unethical commitment in the aspects of delivering findings, publishing ideas can bring severe and reverse consequences to academic community, society and professionalism. Section IV would have the end argument for remedies that can be initiated and institutionalised from different parties such as scholars, researchers, academicians, academic institutions, publishing houses and the government.

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How to Cite
Daimari, G. . (2024). Ethical Risk in Research and Challenge to Academic Integrity. International Journal of Applied Ethics, 10(23212497).
Author Biography

Gojen Daimari, Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science, Lanka Mahavidyalaya, Gauhati University