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Sufia Khan


The concept of human values is universal in nature. This is the reason we find uniformity in the teachings on human values in all religions. Non- Violence is a central teaching of all major religions. Nonviolence is the practice of being harmless to self and others under every condition. Some ethics of the principle of non-violence are patience, tolerance, self-restraint and positive status quoism. These ethics help individuals become peaceful themselves and become an instrument of peace in society. Further, non- violence is essential in a world of weapons of mass destruction as disputes and disagreements can no longer be solved through the violent method. It is essential to find non-violent ways of solving problems. Peoples of the world need to inculcate non-violent principles in their minds. Only then will peace be possible in the world.

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How to Cite
Khan, S. . (2022). NON-VIOLENCE-A FUTURE-ORIENTED POLICY. International Journal of Applied Ethics, 7(2321-2497).
Author Biography

Sufia Khan, Center for Peace and Spirituality, New Delhi

Member of CPS International, Center for Peace and Spirituality, New Delhi