Approach to Happiness: A Philosophical Discourse

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Divya Tiwari


This paper explains the connection between mind, peace and happiness. The
act of breathing is common to all living humans through which path to understanding
the mind could be discovered. Virtues are revealed through level of purity in the mind.
Happiness as experienced through such a mind is stable and unique. One must move towards understanding and acquiring this unique state of happiness. The purity is achieved through practice of yogic exercises of breathing known as Pranayama. The stages through which mind will evolve are well understood, so is the idea that philosophy has a role in creating a connect between the theory and practice of religion and rituals, which may make it possible for the mind to evolve itself to the said goal. The nomenclature may be any but the effect is to be found in all its subtle forms. The reference to Patanjaliyogapradeep (Omanandteerth, 1954) ) is more than necessary as it contains the knowledge and wisdom both through the experience of realized human minds.

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How to Cite
Tiwari, D. . (2022). Approach to Happiness: A Philosophical Discourse. International Journal of Applied Ethics, 8(2321-2497).